Sunday, January 25, 2009

January 23-24th - "Horse Trails"

Friday, Jan 23 - After staying up until 2am Thursday night, cleaning for my daughter's 14th birthday sleepover, I knew my training schedule would be out of whack. There was no way I was getting up at 4:30 or even 5 to do strength training. When I did rise from my slumber, there was still trash to take out, a horse to feed, etc. I got dressed in my running clothes thinking I could do at least a quick 5 miler after I did these last few chores. Alas, time ran away from me and I needed to head to work. But hey, I was still dressed in my running clothes! Knowing that the temperatures were supposed to climb into the 50s I decided to go to work just as I was, and maybe slip out in the afternoon for a short run. So yes, I show up for work in my running tights, shirt, and shoes. It was so nice to be able to run in just a long sleeve tee and my tights after days of layering and freezing. My run took place along the bike trail. It is a converted railway - 44 miles long. I head west out of town, an uphill climb to the highest point on the trail. Next to the bike path is a horse trail. It is dirt and gravel and has many ups and downs as opposed to the gently sloping bike path. Of course that is my choice for running. I feel good, despite the lack of sleep and try to push my pace. Feeling competitive, I see a woman ahead of me on the trail, and push to pass her before my turn around point. Success! Then I continue on, climbing to the highest point on the trail. I turn around at 4.1 miles and head back. With the slightly downhill grade, I feel like I'm flying. I pass the woman again, he,he. I'm back at work in 1 hr 14 min. It was a 9:30min pace out and 8:30min pace on the way back - what a difference the downhill makes! I did some rebounding, leg and ab work Friday night, so my daughter could enjoy her friends without a hovering mother.

Saturday Jan 24th - After seeing my daughter's friends off, it was time for my last long run before the race. I really wanted to push for 30 miles, but I was an hour behind schedule getting started. The balmy 50s of Friday were gone, the highs were in the 30s and breezy. I headed back to the horse trail, starting at the western end of the trail and traveling east. I know this is going to be the more difficult direction to start, because when I turn around midpoint I will have to climb for 15 miles. But it will be a good test of stamina and pushing through fatigue. As I near the parking lot, it starts snowing and blowing, and I'm thinking 30 miles in this? I pull out the heavy duty hat, gloves and rain jacket, slip on the backpack and start down the trail. Within 1/2 mile the snow quits and the sun comes out. Within a mile, I have stripped off the jacket and hat, opting for the lighter weight head band. I estimate my pack with the water to be almost 10lbs. My pace is pretty fast for a long run, but I'm feeling pretty good. I reach the 6 mile mark in just over an hour and keep telling myself to slow down. I'm fueling with Hammer Gel, and a trail mix of pumpkin seeds and Reese's Pieces (I know, not the healthiest mix). Each hour, I make sure I eat something. I try to remember to drink often, but it's hard when it's not hot. I pass the half-marathon point at about 2:25, which is okay. I think I'll run to where I know there's a port-a-potty along the trail and see what the mileage is there. I pass a girl who had passed me earlier. She's walking and trying to call someone on her cell phone. She looked a little upset, and I was wondering if she bonked. I decided to check on her when I turned around if she was still on the trail. Because the garmin always seems to short change me on the turn around trip by 10th of a mile or so, I run past the 15 mile mark and turn around at 15.29 miles. A cold blast of Artic air hits me in the face! Argh, not only will I be going 15 miles uphill, but uphill into the wind. At the port-a-potty stop, I switch back to my hat. Now, I realize it's just a matter of counting down the miles. 5 miles back to the town. In town, it's five miles to the highest point on the trail. Friday, it seemed easy, today it's one foot in front of the other, and walking many of the uphills. From mile 22 to 25 I was at the wall and didn't see anyway through it, except to keep moving forward. Finally I climb to the high point and have a brief down hill break. I hit the marathon mark at just past 5 hours. Now, I'm having to fight negative thoughts - things like "I'm so slow" Then I remind myself that I'm doing this without a day of rest, having run 25 miles in the last two days. I eat and drink this little bottle of 5 hour energy that I bought at the 7-Eleven, just in case I really needed a kick. I didn't know if it would work or not. At mile 27 is the other port-a-potty on the trail. By this time the sun is sinking fast and the wind is picking up. I'm freezing. I sit in the port-a-potty, taking my time to stay out of the wind. My hands are going numb from the cold and I'm almost in tears. Finally, I start back on the trail and am walking while I try to put all my extra layers back on. I put my rain jacket back on and pull out an extra pair of gloves for my hands. My fingers are so cold, I'm having trouble trying to buckle back the straps of my backpack. Finally, I get situated and start to run again. I'm warmer, and feel a surge of renewed energy coming back. I pick up the pace and finish the last 3 miles at a pretty good clip. It's 6 hrs and 5 minutes when I get back to the car, 30.5 miles, and almost dark. I did it! Now it's taper time.

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